We started out with our warm-up and since it was cold outside, we ran 4 laps inside. The gym was in use which was perfect for what I wanted to do with the kids. We did an activity that you can actually do anywhere in a small space and still get a great workout.
This workout I found on a blog. All it uses is a deck of cards. Even if you don't have a deck of cards, you can still do this.
If you don't have cards, you will do 2 rounds of this. Do 15 of each exercise and when you get through, you go through it again.
2- 15 jump squats
2- 15 jumping jacks
2- alternating jump jacks
2- high knees
2- mountain climbers
2- running butt kicks
2- wide push-ups
2- jumping jacks
2- bicycle crunches
If you have cards, K, Q, J all equal 10 and A equals 1 or 11, all other cards 2-10 equal that number.
Flip over 3 cards and do however many it says: ex: you flip a 5, 7, and a K= 22 jumping squats,
Flip over 3 more cards, 2, A, K= you could make it 13, or make it 23 jumping jacks.
Do all nine exercises, give yourself about a minute break and do another set.
Add your own set of exercises if you get bored with these.
At the end, I gave the Jr. High kids each a set of cards with these exercises and told them that throughout the winter, this is something that they could do with their families.
Ended with a cool down. Yes, they were all sweating :)
Wednesday Oct. 31, 2012- South School 2:45-3:30
With today being there "Special Day", I did promise them kickball. Wish we could have played it outside but with the weather being a little cool and windy, we played inside the gym.
Friday Nov. 1, 2012- YMCA 2:30-4:40
Today was Dance Day Friday!! A BIG thanks goes out to Courtney Long who showed the Goal Getters some awesome dances. I was surprised to see that EVERYONE was trying out the dance moves. She had some wonderful games that also got the kids moving while still having fun.
Don't forget that next Friday Nov. 9, WE WILL NOT BE GOING TO THE Y. WE WILL HAVE OUR FAMILY SWIM PARTY FROM 6:30P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
This will also be the last week for the Greenville Goal Getters until Spring. I will try to keep the blog up with activities throughout the winter along with some recipes that maybe you can try.