Parents......Thank you for the prompt pick up today at the Jr. High. I think this was the first time that all kids were dropped off and picked up within five minutes. Thank you very much for that.
Well this week was once again a wonderful week with the Goal Getter kids. Both groups, Monday and Wednesdays groups did the same workout.
We started with our usual warm up and ran the perimeter of the Jr. High parking lot and at South, the perimeter of the playground. Then we had eight stations set up. The kids were at the stations for 30 seconds of work, with a 10 second to get to the next station
Station 1 was the Bear Crawl...
Station 2 was High Knees....
Station 3 was Crab Walk....
Station 4 was Frog Hops with Hoops...
Station 5 was Box Hops using Jump Ropes...
Station 6 was Jump Rope...
Station 7 was Shuttle Run...
Station 8 was Jumping Jacks..
I have started a Greenville Goal Getter facebook page. I figured that most everyone had facebook and that way the kids could also have access and look to see where we were going and things that might be fun and extra that I will try and post for them. This is for the whole family. Well I hope everyone has a fun weekend, enjoy them, winter is just around the corner. Thanks again parents for letting your child be apart of this program.