WOW!!!!! This week at the Jr. High definitely WAS a workout!!!
Started out with our warm up and then we ran 2 laps outsied. Came in and played basketball but with a little twist. Even though there was Cardio involved (running up and down the court) whatever team made a basket, they got to tell the other team, How Many and What Exercise to do............ well I think I did close to 50 pushups, 50 situps, 90 jumping jacks, 30 burpees ( can you tell what team I was on :) :) ).... They loved and had so much fun that when it was 3:30 and we had already been doing this for 30 minutes, they still wanted to keep going!!!! This is Saturday and my legs are still hurting...
South Middle School: They also had a good workout. We did circuit training which included a
Warm up: Jumping Jacks, High Knees, and Jump rope
Arms: Pushups, Tricep dips, and Dumbbell curls
Legs: Squats, Side Lunges, Calf Raises
Back: Superman, Kneeling push-ups
Core: Sit-ups, Russian Twist and Planks
We went through this 2 times and once again I told the Goal Getters that if I saw some good sweat, we could then end with kickball. Once again, they gave me 100%.
I have decided that I just don't want this to be my program, I want it to be Their program also so if they give me a good workout, then I don't mind letting them chose something fun to end it with. I have seen so many kids putting forth so much effort and not a one complains about what we are doing. So to my GOAL GETTERS.......