Well it just occurred to me that I have not put our weeks from what we have done on the blog. So today after I spent sometime outside trimming my flowers, playing ball, and just enjoying this beautiful day, I thought I'd better sit down and let you parents know what we have been doing:
This will be for both the Jr. High and South
WEEK 1: Really didn't do a workout today since I had papers that needed passed out. One was a family pledge that I hope you families are doing. You were to write down 1 or 2 goals that as a family, you all wanted to do for the next 8 weeks and then if you stuck to it, you would reward your family. The other paper I passed out was a Family Lifestyle Self-Assessment that was for your family. Then there was a My Pyramid which had tips for families on the back, and lastly a recipe for Peanut Butter Muffins.
Then we let the kids experiment with the new equipment that we now have. They then all received a Challenge. This week was "60 minutes give away." This included performing 60 minutes of physical labor to help a neighbor, school, community center, place of worship or at home. Examples could be yard-work, snow removal, painting, cleaning, etc.....
Started with a warm up and then worked out with Jump Ropes and Cones
*the kids were at these stations for 1 minute with a 30 sec break in between.
Jump Rope - These were simple things that the kids could use if they only have a jump rope to use. You can still get a great workout.
* 1 min. jump rope
* 1 min around the world
* Jump in and out
* Push ups in and out
* 1 minute shuttle run
We also had a sit-up station and used the bleachers for step ups. These were also done for 1 minute
WEEK 3: Bodyweight Circuit
We started with the warm up. We then started our circuit stations which included using medicine balls and dumbbells. While the kids were at these stations they did them for 1 minute.
*Russian Twist (with medicine ball or dumbbell)
*Sit-ups (same)
*Triceps (same)
*Squats (same)
*Calf raises (same)
*Lunges (same)
Cool down. Week three's challenge was Pre-Game Meal: Help prepare a meal and then enjoy it with your family using the latest USDA dietary guidelines outlined in "Choose My Plate" found at www.chosemyplate.gov. They also brought home a family meal conversation starter called: The Calcium Connection, and the recipe of the week was Veggie Tortilla Lasagna.
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