Week of Sept. 24-28, 2012:
Monday the Jr. High 7th and 8th graders started with a warm-up and running 2 laps around the outside of the parking lot.
Then we divided into 2 groups, Mr. Mortensen took Group 1 and I took Group 2.
The workout for Group 1 consisted of: 3 minute cardo with 1 minute rest before the next exercise:
* 1 minute jumping jacks (modified if needed)
*1 minute front kicks
*1 minute leap side to side
They then rested for 1 minute and then did 4 minutes of strength work with 1 minute rest before the next exercise
*1 minute push-ups
*1 minute step-up
*1 minute tricep dips
*1 minute wall sit
Finished with resting for 1 minute and then switching with Group 2.
The workout for Group 2 consisted of: 3 minute cardo with 1 minute rest before the next exercise:
*1 minute burpees (we modified if needed)
*1 minute high knees
*1 minute jumping jacks (modified if needed)
They then rested for 1 minute and then did 4 minutes of strength work with 1 minute rest before the next exercise
*1 minutes squats
*1 minute reverse lunges
*1 minute plank
*1 minute shoulder.
Finished with resting for 1 minute and then switching with Group 1.
We ended the workout with a cool-down and reminded the kids to continue logging what they eat in their journals.
Wednesday the 5th and 6th graders started with a warm-up and 2 laps running around the playground area.
They were divided into 3 groups: Group 1 was Cardio:, Group 2 was Abs, Group 3 was Cardio and Strength.
Group 1 consisted of 30 sec. Cardio with a 30 sec rest:
30 sec. Jumprope, 30 sec. rest
30 sec. Front Kicks, 30 sec. rest
30 sec Burpees, 30 sec rest
30 sec Jumping Jacks, 30 sec rest
Group 2 consisted of 30 sec Ab with a 30 sec rest:
30 sec Plank, 30 sec rest
30 sec Bicycle Crunches, 30 sec rest
30 sec Seated Flutter Kicks, 30 sec rest
30 sec Heel Touch, 30 sec rest
Group 3 consisted of 30 sec Strength, 30 sec Cardio with 30 sec rest in between
30 sec Pushups, 30 sec rest
30 sec Alternating Lunges, 30 sec rest
30 sec Wall Sits, 30 sec rest
30 sec Crab Crawl, 30 sec rest
30 sec Butt Kicks, 30 sec rest
30 sec Shuffle side to side, 30 sec rest
30 sec Mountain climbers, 30 sec rest
30 sec Squat Pulses, 30 sec rest

We then switched so that all three groups were done by the kids. We ended the workout with a cool-down and reminded the kids to continue logging what they eat in their journals.
Friday was out at Chenoweth Trails where the kids learned about Ultimate Frisbee.
Also on Friday, we are planning on having a snack for the kids.
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