We started out with our warm-up inside and ran our 2 laps outside.
We then went inside and played a Fitness Card Fun Game.
Equipment: * 2 decks of cards,
* 4 cards with a Diamond drawn on one, Heart drawn on one, Club drawn on one, Spade drawn on one. (inside of the diamond, heart, club, and spade was a designated way of getting to each corner of the gym)
* smaller cards that have 2 thur Ace written on them followed by an activity.
* 2 containers to put the deck of cards in (1 deck of card goes into the container)
We divided into 2 groups. The 2 containers with the deck of cards was placed in the middle of the gym, and the 4 cards with the Diamond, Heart, Club and Spade was also place in the middle. The students were then to draw a card from the bucket. The suite of the card designates a specific way to get there EX: Diamond= skip to the right corner, Heart= hop to the far right corner, Club= skip to the left corner, Spade= lunge to the far left corner.
Then the students were to perform the activity designated by the number on the card drawn. EX: 2= 8 jumping jacks, 3= 8 squats, 4= 8 heel touches, 5= star jumps, 6= 8 wall pushups, 7=16 jumping jacks, 8= 16 squats, 9= 16 heel touches, 10= 16 star jumps, Jack= 16 wall pushups, Queen= jogging on the spot for 30 steps, King= 8 hops on each foot, Ace= free choice of activity.
So if you drew a 2 of Spade, you would lunge to the far left corner and when you got there you would do 8 jumping jacks. Once you did that, you would go back to the middle and draw another card. So if you drew a Queen of Hearts, you would hop to the far right corner and jog in place for 30 steps. The kids really enjoyed this activity and said they would like to do more activities like this.
We then ended with our cool-down.
Oct. 3, 2012 Wednesday 5th and 6th Grade at South School 2:45-3:30.......
We started out with our warm-up inside and ran our 2 laps outside.
We also played the Fitness Card Fun Game but instead we broke into 4 groups. We then had one person from each group come and get a card, once again figuring out how they were to get back to their group and then their team did the exercise. For them I had written different ways of getting back to the group: Diamond was something like Bear Crawl back to their team, Spade was something like Crab Crawl back to the team, Heart was hopping back to the team, and Club was lunge back to the team. After they got done with that exercise, another person from the team would go get a card and go back to the team and so on.
I think they also liked doing this kind of game. It was fun and it was neat to see them working together.
Oct. 5, 2012 Friday at the YMCA 2:30-4:30.......
The kids all got a snack that was provided by Kelly Tanner. Thanks Kelly and the kids really enjoyed it.
Homemade Granola:
3 cups quick cooking oats
1/2 chopped peanuts
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/3 cup honey
1/3 brown sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 Tablespoons warm water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Lightly grease a baking sheet. In a large bowl, combine oats, peanuts, and wheat germ. In a separate bowl combine honey, brown sugar, vegetable oil, water, salt, and vanilla. Stir well, then pour into the oat mixture and stir. Spread out on a cookie sheet. Bake 1 hour stirring every 15 minutes. Remove from oven, and col before serving.
In addition to the granola recipe you can add 1/2 cup each: raisins, choc. chips, white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and 2 cups chocolate cheerios.
Nutrition Information:
Servings per recipe:6
Calories: 428
Total Fat: 18.2 grams
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 202 mg
Total Carbs: 60.1 grams
Protein: 9.4 grams
Christy then talked to the kids about Nutrition, this time it was on the GO-SLOW-WHOA list with an activity the kids did in groups. http://darke.k12.oh.us/Login/FOV2-00105320/1EF160A9-3B9ACA00-025FDBC1.2/GO-SLOW-WHOA%20List.pdf
It was really neat to watch the kids work together to try and figure out a healthier choice that they could have. Good activity Christy.
The kids then did a warm up with Nick and Daniel. After our warm up the kids broke into groups and this time they were taught a mini lesson on Volleyball-Walleyball. They had different stations set up where the kids learned something different at each one. At the end, the kids were broken into 4 teams, where they got to use what they learned to play a game. I think they all had a great time. Thanks again to the Y and Nick.
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